Thursday, February 26, 2009

Twilight Princess Is Epic

The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess is seriously one of the best games I've ever had the privilege of playing. Everything about it is just spectacular, from the graphics, to the story, to the gameplay, this game is almost perfect. The game is extremely addicting. I found myself playing it for hours at a time. It's fun and engaging, exactly what a game should be. The story may be the darkest ever in a Zelda game, although that may be a stretch considering this is my first Zelda game. The graphics are not updated in the Wii version, but I never found myself caring, as they were just so beautiful and varied. Maybe it was because I was playing it on a big screen TV. Anyway, the gameplay is probably the best thing about the game. You gain new equipment and abilities and use them to get to previously unreachable places, like in Metroid. However, while it may seem boring, it's a whole lot of fun and addicting gameplay. Finally, the music, while not orchestrated, is still epic, mysterious, spooky, and sometimes sad. Great soundtrack. In conclusion, Twilight Princess is one of the best games for the Wii and possibly one of the best games ever. My final score for this masterpiece is a 9.6 out of 10. Go play it!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

How I Came To Youtube

In 2006, I was on a site called I was looking in their video game vault, a collection of games they review. I clicked on one I wanted to see (Star Fox SNES) and was brought to Youtube to watch the video. I became intrigued at this new site I had never seen before and decided to watch videos on it. I learned about Youtube in that time and it sounded awesome. However, I didn't want an account because I didn't want my parents to see it. It was that year that I happened upon the first Mario machinimators, ShadowMario64 and Megaman765. I watched both their bloopers and laughed hard. For a long time, I saw no Mario machinima except for those two, but in 2007, I discovered MATTHEWGU4 and Yeeksta. Their machinimas stunned me with their greatness. I had never seen something like them ever before. Later that year, I decided the time had come for me to get an account. So, on December 9, 2007, I made my acccount. I decided to put the word "corruption" in the username and put "hyper" in there to make the "corruption" stronger. And thus, HyperCorruption was born. I immediately wanted to comment on vids, but I couldn't because my email wasn't valid. It took me 2 months to get a valid Verizon email. Finally, in February 2008, I began to comment and make my name. Through MATTHEWGU4, I discovered two other excellent Mario machinimists, ACDCGAMER and MaxOfS2D. In time, I subscribed to people, gained subscribers myself, got friends, gained respect, and got to be in many series, such as Shadow Redemption. Finally, in June 2008, I started making videos, and in November 2008, I got my Windows compy. And that's how I got to where I am today. I hope to stay on Youtube for as long as I possibly can. 2 years, here I come!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Barack Obama Rules

He does. He will be a great President, I'm sure. His Cabinet picks are smart and well thought out, his transition is going smoothly, and he actually has a brain in his head for once! Overall, I can't wait until January 20th, when Bush finally leaves. Good riddance. This country is headed for exceptional things, I just know it. Plus, he's the first black President. That says a lot about our country. When we say "Anyone can be President", we damn well mean it. Well, that's all I have to say about that. Good luck Barack!

Friday, December 5, 2008

My Favorite Video Games

Here's a list of the video games that are my favorite.
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Metroid
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Sunshine
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader
Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike
Super Smash Bros Melee
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Star Fox 64
Super Mario World
Super Mario Bros 3
Metroid Fusion
Metroid Zero Mission
Star Wars: Shadows Of The Empire

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight is definitely the best film of 2008. It nears perfection in all of its qualities. The plot is dark and complex. The action is brutal and intense. The characters are deep and enigmas. And the acting is superb, especially from Heath Ledger, who is surely one of the film's crowning achievements. Heath just immerses himself so perfectly into the role. He was scary and psychotic as the Joker. Anyone who says he's overrated and that he's only getting so much attention because of his unfortunate death, look beyond that. Trust me, and you'll see a truly stellar performance. Heath did everything a great actor should and went beyond that. But I digress. Anyway, The Dark Knight nears masterpiece status with everything it accomplishes. It is not just a comic book movie, but a thrilling and suspenseful crime film. If you haven't already seen it, then go see it now. Heath Ledger for Best Supporting Actor!

Friday, November 28, 2008

My Thoughts On The Metroid Series

What can I say about the Metroid series? It's one of the best video game franchises out there, if not THE best. Everything about each game is absolutely superb. The graphics, the gameplay, the art design, the story, the replay value, it's all tremendously done. My favorite game has to be Metroid Prime 3. It's what I consider the definitive Prime and Metroid game. It has a perfect blend of action and adventure, and plenty of awesome weapons to keep you busy. I first got into the Metroid series when, in 2004, I picked up a copy of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes for my birthday. I played and, despite a lot of difficulty, I loved it almost immediately. After that, a few months later, I bought Metroid Prime and continued from there, playing Metroid Fusion, Zero Mission, and Hunters. Eventually, I got Metroid Prime 3 and experienced its utter greatness. The only Metroid games I haven't played are Metroid Prime Pinball and Metroid II: Return of Samus. Let's be honest, I'm not going to play Pinball, but I would like to play Metroid II. I just can't seem to find it. Oh well. Anyway, those are just my honest thoughts on the Metroid series. I eagerly wait for a new game, which will possibly be Metroid Dread. Metroid is seriously one of the best video game franchises out there, and it will never be forgotten.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lik zomg i hav a blog!

Yessireebob, it's true. I now have a blog. I decided to follow after MATTHEWGU4, ACDCGAMER, Pixlking, and Jeagle101 and create it. So, the question remains. What will I do with this new blog? Well, I'll post updates on it that I think are important. I'll also post my opinions on the world today regularly. In addition, I'll post small video game reviews. That's pretty much it. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and thanks a lot! :D